Lower White Salmon River Conservation Report
Underwood Conservation District (UCD) recently completed a project that explored and pursued acquisition/easement options for land along the former Northwestern Lake Reservoir reach of the White Salmon River above the former site of Condit Dam, developing a conservation strategy supported by the landowner (PacifiCorp) and community. The full report, “Lower White Salmon River Conservation Assessment Report” along with an interactive mapping tool, can be found HERE.
UCD supported discussions around acquisition and easements options, compiled information and assisted stakeholders in taking the steps essential to recruiting both a short-term (bridge) and long-term conservation owner. UCD assisted in maximizing and delineating the acreage available for long term conservation, stretching along approximately 5 miles of White Salmon River and tributary shorelines. This section of the river and its tributaries Mill Creek and Buck Creek provide habitat for anadromous and residential fish species that now spawn, rear, and migrate through this corridor since the removal of Condit Dam in 2011-2012.
The Cabin Owners of Northwestern Lake Association (CONLA) is utilizing a right of first refusal on the cabin lands, totaling 34.2 acres which have been surveyed and mapped as individual parcels for purchase at 47 leased cabin sites. The US Forest Service is nearly finished purchasing 6.2 acres at Northwestern Park to help manage whitewater boater access. And the remaining open space, now mapped and surveyed to total 170.5 acres, is being pursued for purchase by The Conservation Fund, who will serve as a bridge conservation owner. Our assessment and support of this acquisition process ensures protection of these shorelines, allows for a long-term conservation owner to plan acquisition, and supports cabin owners in securing the land under each existing cabin. This project work had barely begun in early 2022 when PacifiCorp announced its motivated intent to sell the entire 204.7 acres upstream of the old Condit Dam. A Salmon Recovery grant from the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office allowed UCD to significantly influence and ensure the success of protecting and conserving this unique open space and shoreline along the White Salmon River.
Lower White Salmon River
A cold water refuge for anadromous and residential fish species.
A Vision for the Future of the Lower White Salmon River
Press release by Pat Arnold
The Lower White Salmon Coalition, formed in 2016, is releasing its Vision Plan for the approximately five hundred acres of land owned by PacifiCorp along the lower White Salmon River representing the former project lands for the Condit Hydroelectric Project. The removal of Condit dam in 2011 -2012 restored a free-flowing river, which quickly returned to its historic channel, a major change for fish, wildlife, vegetation, and human use. In addition, removal raised the possibility that PacifiCorp would eventually divest their land holdings in Skamania and Klickitat Counties related to Condit Dam.
The Vision reflects consensus among Coalition participants around a long-range strategy to transfer these lands to new ownership and wisely, sustainably manage them in perpetuity. The Coalition hopes this document will be useful for PacifiCorp as they make decisions about the future of the land, and to future owners and managers of the land. The Coalition believes the strong consensus around conservation values will help this land and the river thrive as the restoration of the river continues.
While PacifiCorp must protect the interests of their stakeholders and ratepayers in any decision to sell, this Vision will help guide and inform future planning, access, ownership, and development of the lower White Salmon River corridor in a manner that aligns with local community interests and values.
The Lower White Salmon Coalition is a diverse group of non-profit organizations with environmental and recreational interests, private businesses, the Cabin Owners of Northwestern Lake Association (CONLA), boating interests, non-profits, and agencies. Coalition members believe that the community and local values should determine the future of this critically important stretch of the lower White Salmon River.
The Coalition received community outreach and planning assistance through a grant of technical assistance from the National Park Service's Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program. With that support, the Coalition actively reached out to people who use, live nearby, or are otherwise invested in this land’s future, including local governments, to develop consensus, where possible, about the future of the PacifiCorp land.
The Coalition’s outreach effort was two-fold. First, member organizations and businesses kept their members and clients informed. Second, the Coalition developed a “Report on Existing Recreation Conditions” and a report on “Opportunities for Recreation and Conservation.” These documents were posted on LWSC website, with an online public survey. Nearly 450 people responded to the survey and about 150 also participated in focus group meetings held in 2022.
Now, based on this important input, the Coalition is pleased to release the Vision Plan to the public.
The Vision for the Lower White Salmon River and resource documents may be found at: https://lowerwhitesalmoncoalition.com/lower-white-salmon-vision-plan/ and at the National Park Service Rails, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program page https://www.nps.gov/orgs/rtca/lower-white-salmon-river.htm