Douglas Fir

Douglas Fir


Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)

This evergreen grows on soils that vary from moist to dry. It is not very tolerant of soils that are compacted or poorly drained. Young seedlings will tolerate some shade, but require ample sunlight to reach maturity. Douglas Fir is a major component of forests throughout Washington State and one of the world’s most valuable timber species. Height can reach 200 feet at maturity.

Squirrels and other small mammals use the seeds for food, and the foliage and twigs are an attractive browse for deer, elk, and other large mammals.

Click here to for additional information on Douglas fir (courtesy of USDA).

Quantity discounts available for orders over 60 bundles (600 trees). Call for details.

Sold by the bundle (10 trees per bundle). Seed source: 661-3.0. Trees are 1-1.

Photos courtesy of The Wild Garden,

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